!!! warning Note: These options change the documented access point name and password. The WLED community does not recommend changing these settings unless you are familiar with the risks.

Three compile time defines are available to modify the access point name. These are WLED_AP_SSID, WLED_AP_PASS, and WLED_AP_SSID_UNIQUE. Defining WLED_AP_SSID will set the SSID to the value of the define. Defining WLED_AP_PASS will set the password to the value of the define. Defining WLED_AP_SSID_UNIQUE will append the last 6 digits of the MAC address to the SSID.

WLED_AP_SSID and WLED_AP_PASS are string values, and as such need to be defined with " surrounding them. For example, #define WLED_AP_SSID "MyWLED" or -D WLED_AP_SSID='"MyWLED"' in the build_flags of platformio.ini.

Modifying the Access Point SSID

Defining WLED_AP_SSID will set the SSID to the value of the define. This is useful to set a device specific access point name. For example, if you have multiple WLED devices, you can set the SSID to the device name.

WLED_AP_SSID is a string value, and as such needs to be defined with " surrounding it. For example, #define WLED_AP_SSID "MyWLED" or -D WLED_AP_SSID='"MyWLED"' in the build_flags of platformio.ini.

Modifying the Access Point Password

Defining WLED_AP_PASS will set the password to the value of the define. This is useful to set a device specific access point password. For example, if you have multiple WLED devices, you can set the password to the device name.

!!! tip If WLED_AP_PASS is defined, but WLED_AP_SSID is not, the compilation will fail. Ensure you define both WLED_AP_SSID and WLED_AP_PASS if you wish to change the access point password. Please also change the SSID if you wish to set a custom password.

WLED_AP_PASS is a string value, and as such needs to be defined with " surrounding it. For example, #define WLED_AP_PASS "MyWLEDPass" or -D WLED_AP_PASS='"MyWLEDPass"' in the build_flags of platformio.ini.

Modifying the Access Point SSID to be Unique

Defining WLED_AP_SSID_UNIQUE will append the last 6 digits of the MAC address to the SSID. This is useful to set a device specific access point name with a common prefix. For example, if you have multiple WLED devices, you can set the SSID to ChristmasTree- followed by the last 6 digits of the MAC address.

WLED_AP_SSID_UNIQUE is a boolean value, and as such only needs to be defined or not. For example, #define WLED_AP_SSID_UNIQUE or -D WLED_AP_SSID_UNIQUE in the build_flags of platformio.ini.


For custom devices in platformio_override.ini:

board = esp32dev
platform = ${esp32.platform}
platform_packages = ${esp32.platform_packages}
build_unflags = ${common.build_unflags}
build_flags =
    -D WLED_AP_PASS='"MyWLEDPass"'
lib_deps = ${esp32.lib_deps}
monitor_filters = esp32_exception_decoder
board_build.partitions = ${esp32.default_partitions}

In my_config.h:

#define WLED_AP_PASS "MyWLEDPass"